unix question: write access to web docs

Ernest Perez perez at opac.osl.state.or.us
Thu Apr 3 18:51:31 EST 1997

Miriam Bobkoff <mbobkoff at ci.santa-fe.nm.us> writes...
Right now, the only way to be able to edit our web documents in the
server, or to place new docs in the server, is to log in as root. Not
surprisingly, the city's MIS department people don't want the root
spread around. But I need two or three other people on the library staff
be able to maintain some of the pages, learn how to upload new pages,

Talk to the MIS people about simply giving you an FTP password and
upload or "put" authority for your specific Web directory or

They should be able to easily restrict your FTP write access to that
area.  That way even if one of you happened to figure out how to browse
into some other directory, you really couldn't do anything. And most FTP
utilities have the ability to "put this user into such & such directory,
and restrict them to that directory."

This way you can do all your updating and editing on your local machine.
If you have a library directory hierarchy, most Web authoring tools now
let you mirror the hierarchy on your local machine. And, you can just
use an mget in FTP to download all the HTML and graphic files at once.

- ernest

Ernest Perez, Ph.D.//Oregon State Library//perez at opac.state.or.us
Library:  Like a software house, except the software's free.
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