Disadvantages of email reference queries

Daphne Gleadhill Daphne.Gleadhill at newcastle.ac.uk
Tue Sep 24 16:29:22 EDT 1996

> on 22nd Sept.William Van De Mark said:
> An online reference librarian who receives an email query from a user
> can be at a disadvantage in comparison to is or her "real time"
> counterpart. [ ......]
> Do listserve members think an effective reference/user interface can be
> implemented online; one which allows for direct and spontaneous
> communication, and a timely provision of service?[ ......]

While I agree that a face to face interview often enables the 
librarian to ascertain exactly what the user's information needs are, 
this does not mean that such interviews are always essential or even 
desirable.  Not all enquiries require a lengthy interrogation to find 
out what the user 'really' wants.

One situation where an email query may get a better answer, is when
the reference desk is busy and understaffed, and a harassed
librarian will be unable to resist the temptation to give one user a
'quick and dirty' answer before moving on to the next impatient user
in the queue.  Not perfect behaviour, no, but it happens.  A
librarian dealing with an email query, on the other hand, doesn't
have the pressure of the reader standing there waiting, and can take
the time to search around for a good source of the required
information  (maybe on the Web - who has time to search thoroughly
for networked information in a 'live' interview? ) and check their
answer, before mailing it back. 

Another situation where email reference may be preferred, is where
the user would rather not come and ask a librarian face to face. 
This happens here particularly with students who do not have english
as their first language; many of them feel happier typing a question
and receiving an email answer, rather than struggling to express
their information needs in a foreign language.  

These are just two of the reasons why we are implementing a Web-based 
Electronic Reference Desk here at Newcastle University.  There is no
intention that it should ever replace the 'live' Reference Desk, we
are simply providing an alternate route for library enquiries, for
those who choose to use it.  If we find that a user's needs are not
clear from their question, then as William suggests we can email
them back for clarification.

Daphne Gleadhill
Electronic Resources Librarian            tel.0191 222 7722
Robinson Library                             fax.0191 222 8102
University of Newcastle upon Tyne    
Newcastle upon Tyne    NE2 4HQ     England              
"Everything the esteemed Fred Astaire did, Ginger Rogers
did too, and she did it backwards and wearing high heels."

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