fwd-UPDATED> September '96 Technology Update/LPM magazine

Elisabeth Roche ace at Opus1.COM
Sat Sep 14 07:58:02 EDT 1996

Love this sig!

Submitted by:
Elisabeth Roche ace at opus1.com
serendipity RULES!

>>The September '96 issue of the American Bar Association's Law
>>Practice Management magazine has been delivered, and the latest
>>"Technology Update" has been posted on the ABA Network:
>>   http://www.abanet.org/lpm/magazine/lpmcontents.html
>>   http://www.abanet.org/lpm/magazine/tu966.html
>>In Tech Update this issue:  The Tech Update Guide to Choosing an
>>Internet Service Provider--finding lists of ISPs, pricing plans,
>>connection speeds, and other key factors--as well as where to find
>>the latest updates on ISP and commercial online service offerings.
>>In Parting Shots, we take on the telephone companies, and some
>>others who think this ISP business is Way Too Easy.
>>Hope it helps!
>>   Burgess Allison
>><!-- "The first thing we do, let's connect all the lawyers."     -->
>><!--          -- Skip Shakespeare, Billy's smarter brother       -->
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