Quark to HTML converters?

KnauffM KnauffM at dsmo.com
Wed Sep 18 14:07:50 EDT 1996

     Hi all,
     I browsed the Web4Lib archives on this, and saw the question asked, 
     but did not see an answer.  
     Is there a Quark to HTML converter out there for Windows - that I can 
     use without having the Quark Xpress program?
     (History - someone gave me a disk of something that *must* go on our 
     website, and it is a Quark document.  It came from an outside source, 
     and took a while to get, so I'd rather do the conversion myself than 
     ask them...and wait 2 weeks until they get around to it...)
     I have surfed the web a bit, and found a perl script that *might* work 
     - but have only seen it available as a .tar.gz file, and that presents 
     its own dificulties...
     Margareta Knauff
     Technical & Online Services Librarian
     Dickstein Shapiro Morin & Oshinsky LLP
     knauffm at dsmo.com

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