Web tool vs. straight HTML

Anne Prestamo prestam at okway.okstate.edu
Wed Sep 18 13:22:06 EDT 1996

     Rebecca -
     I've done alot of "straight" HTML work with Notepad, pico, etc., but 
     have also used a variety of HTML editors.  My personal feeling is the 
     tool depends on what I'm doing.  If it's a quick few changes, I'll 
     edit on the server using pico.  If it's major changes, particulary the 
     same change to many pages, an editor can speed up the job 
     considerably.  my current, personal favorite is HotDog Pro.  It's 
     allows you to make "global" updates (find & replace) to groups of 
     pages all at once.  A quick and powerful tool, but sometimes 
     Info on HotDot is available at:
        http://www.sausage.com          -or-
     Anne Prestamo, Reference Librarian ||Phone:              (405)744-6309
     Science & Engineering Division     ||
     Edmon Low Library                  ||Web: http://www.uwm.edu/~annepres
     Oklahoma State University          ||E-mail: prestam at okway.okstate.edu
     In the beginning, there was The Word.  And The Word was CHOCOLATE.  
     And it was good.   Confections 1.5 oz., 240 cal.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Web tool vs. straight HTML
Author:  ctmlib at wizvax.net at SMTP
Date:    9/18/96 7:32 AM

I am now working on the web page for my company, as the person who was doing 
this has left.  He was using MS Frontpage.  I cannot use this as I don't 
have W'95, and I basically learned to work with straight HTML.
Question: Is there an advantage to working with an HTML authoring tool?  He 
mentioned that there was, but didn't have time to explain before he left.
I downloaded a tool called FlexED which works with my machine.
I would appreciate some insight into doing web pages with an authoring tool 
vs. without.  I have heard pros and cons for each.
Rebecca Rector, Librarian
CT Male Associates (engineers)

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