WWW Training Sofware?

Donna Schumann schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us
Tue Oct 1 15:51:01 EDT 1996

On our home page we point to the following URL:


This is an interactive tutorial on the WWW and using Netscape. It is
Netscape-centric, so it won't help if you are using IE exclusively.  This
tutorial is very basic, covering things like how to press buttons and how
to follow links, but it is also very good. If you wish to use the tutorial
offline, perhaps the site would give you permission to download it using
Webwacker or a similar product. 

Donna Schumann
Timberland Regional Library            Voice:  360-943-5001
schumann at timberland.lib.wa.us          FAX:    360-586-6838

On Tue, 1 Oct 1996, Roy Lewis wrote:

> I was ask to look for Internet training software on CD-ROM that the patron
> could work the exercises to help speed up the learning curve for the
> Internet.  One of the problems libraries are having to contend with is "show
> me how to do this"  A controlled training package could solve a lot of these
> problems.
> Does anyone know of such a product?  I do remember seeing some training
> software packages mentioned earlier.
> Thanks
> Roy Lewis
> *****
> Automation Consultant for the Northeast Texas Library System
> http://link.tsl.state.tx.us/.www/netls.dir/netintro.htm
> http://rampages.onramp.net/~rcl/rcl.htm [These Opinions Mine Alone!]
> (please Note new Area Code) 972/205-2571 Garland,TX rcl at Onramp.net
> *****

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