Seeking advice on multi-media project

mfbrown at mfbrown at
Thu Nov 21 08:15:25 EST 1996

Hi, folks!

I'm working on a library multi-media project that will be accessible by
our students on the Web. We are putting an information literacy workbook
(a new incarnation our library orientation workbook) up and making it
quite graphical (copies of book and journal covers, and a few movie clips
and animated gifs (hopefully, of the good kind <grin>)). 

I have two questions about this that I haven't been able to find answers
for in the Web4Lib archives.  Please respond to me directly and not the

The first question:  
	We are designing for Windows, Mac, and Unix platforms, with the
expectation that most students will be using Unix (what is available to
them in the student labs).  However, all the Reference area PCs are
Windows based, and we anticipate quite a few students will go there for
the additional librarian help.  Also, we anticipate many of our users will
have fairly limited experience with Netscape and/or computers, based upon
the reality of what we already encounter in the Reference area. 

We are using tables (most frequently a large surrounding table with no
borders) to get the layout right.  The graphical layout looks fine on Mac
and PC, but when we go to the Unix lab, everything is tiny.  I'm hoping
that there is some way of dealing with this design issue that won't entail
writing special instructions for Unix users. 

The second question:
	I am working on getting copyright permission for the images that
we have scanned in for the project and any video clips we will use.  I
would like to get any advice that others with similar multi-media projects
have about gaining copyright for materials on the Web. Do you have
permission forms that deal with Web access?  Do you limit access to
on-site users?  Is it possible to limit access to an image on a page based
upon the domain the user is coming to the page from?  Send anything you
think might be helpful in this context. 

Thanks in advance!  Again, please respond to my e-mail address and not the
list, though I will try to compile any responses I get for the list. 

Melinda Brown, Instructional Services Librarian
Melinda_Brown at
North Carolina State University Libraries

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