IASSIST/IFDO '97 Call for Papers

Laura Guy guy at ssc.wisc.edu
Wed Nov 20 11:16:38 EST 1996

 Hello Everyone,
 Please excuse any multiple posts you may receive for
 this conference announcement/call for papers!
 Laura Guy
 guy at ssc.wisc.edu
 > ****************************************************************************
 > IASSIST/IFDO'97:  Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers
 > Odense, Denmark
 > May 6-9, 1997
 > http://datalib.library.ualberta.ca/iassist/
 > The 23rd annual conference of the International Association of Social
 > Science Information Service and Technology, IASSIST, is to take place
 > in Odense, Denmark, on May 6-9, 1997. The conference will be held in
 > conjunction with IFDO, the International Federation of Data Organizations.
 > IASSIST is an international organization of professionals who are
 > engaged in the creation, acquisition, processing, documentation,
 > maintenance, distribution,  preservation and use of machine readable
 > social science data. IFDO is an international organization of institutions
 > in the same field. The IFDO/IASSIST'97 conference will bring together
 > researchers, data producers, archivists and data archivists, librarians
 > and data librarians.
 > The title of the conference, "DATA FRONTIERS IN THE INFOSCAPE,"
 > challenges us to examine issues at the forefront of information technology
 > on the Information-Superhighway, the Info-bahn.
 > The program committee is inviting submissions for paper presentations, panel
 > sessions, or poster sessions and demonstrations on many aspects of the
 > conference themes, including:  welfare research and registers; computing
 > tools for social science research or instruction; technologies for creating,
 > documenting, storing, accessing and analyzing data. Among the possible
 > session topics for which the committee seeks proposals are:
 > "Meta Data". Standards, resource locators, analysis, descriptive systems.
 > (GILS, SGML, DDI, TEI, Dublin/Warwick Core)
 > "Images as documentation". Scanning, formats, presentation, Internet
 > application, archiving (PDF, OCR)
 > "Policy Data". Views from data producers / administrators / distributors /
 > researchers.
 > "Forum on Data Services". Presentation from archives and service
 > organizations, especially developing ones, and how IASSIST and IFDO can
 > provide assistance.
 > "Thesauri and Subject Access". The costs and facilities when establishing
 > more powerful search data bases, etc.
 > "Traditional Archives". Presentations on archival issues of interest to
 > academic data archives and traditional government archives.
 > "Administrative Records". Especially register research in the Scandinavian
 > countries.
 > "Technical Update: Search Engines for the Internet". Using WAIS, SQL-server
 > and other tools.
 > The conference starts with WORKSHOPS on Tuesday, May 6 with topics such as:
 > "Advanced WWW", "Geographical Information Systems", "NSD-Stat",
 > "Data Services in the 21st century". The conference then  follows in the
 > morning of May 7 and ends in the afternoon on Friday, May 9.
 > More information is available through the IASSIST homepage:
 > "http://datalib.library.ualberta.ca/iassist/".
 > Conference venue: A/S Kongressen, Asylgade, DK-5000 Odense C.
 > Conference hotel: Grand Hotel, Jernbanegade 18, DK-5000 Odense C.
 > January 1, 1997 - Proposals for papers, etc.
 > February 15, 1997 - Notification of proposal acceptance
 > May 6, 1997 - Papers presented and, if desired, submitted for publication.
 > Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail or regular mail.
 > Karsten Boye Rasmussen   (kb at dda.sa.dk)        (+45) 6611 3010
 > Ann Green                (ann.green at yale.edu)  (203)432-3278
 >       - - - - - - - - - CUT HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 > Name:
 > Title:
 > Affiliation:
 > Mailing Address:
 > E-mail:
 > Phone:                                           Fax:
 > Check all that apply:
 > () I intend to submit a paper with the following title:
 > () I am interested in presenting the following poster session/demonstration:
 > (please include a 250-500 word abstract plus a 2 sentence biographical
 > summary with either of the above)
 > () I am willing to chair a session
 > Please submit the Intention Form before January 1, 1997 by e-mail, fax or
 > mail to:
 > Karsten Boye Rasmussen or Kirsten Pagh
 > kb at dda.sa.dk   or   kp at dda.sa.dk
 > Danish Data Archives, Islandsgade 10, DK-5000 Odense C, DENMARK
 > phone:  (+45) 6611 3010    fax: (+45 6611 3060)

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