Reference services in cyberspace

S.J.Ashton S.J.Ashton at
Mon Nov 4 10:03:13 EST 1996

[Apologies for cross posting]

           ****Announcing nls-forum guest speakers ****

The NetLinkS project is pleased to announce the launch of a programme
of discussions led by "guest speakers". These discussions will take place
in our discussion list - nls-forum - and we would like to invite you to take

We are delighted to give you advance notice of the first one in our series. 
Sheila Creth, University Librarian at the University of Iowa Libraries, has
very generously agreed to lead a discussion for a period of 3 weeks from
next Monday (11th November) on the topic of "reference services in 
cyberspace."  We're especially pleased that Sheila is able to do this as a
follow-on from her recent Follett Lecture, in which she raised some key issues
around networked learner support.

The URL for the full text of  Sheila's Follett Lecture is:

If you have not already joined nls-forum, here's what you need to do:


To subscribe, send the following message:

join nls-forum firstname lastname

This should be the only text in the body of the message addressed to:

mailbase at


join nls-forum Josephine Bloggs

NetLinkS aim to make discussions of this kind a regular feature on the
list, and to archive them at the NetLinkS Web site.  Please do let
us know if you have any suggestions for hot topics, or would like to
lead a discussion yourself - we want to make the programme as
relevant and interesting as possible to list-members, so your input
is needed!

If you would like to find out more about the NetLinkS project, please
look at our Web pages. We're in the process of up-dating our Web 
site and will be putting lots of resources on-line in the near future, so
we hope you'll want to make a visit:

Best wishes,
Sarah Ashton

"Two purple-fingered hands grasped the edge of the desk,
and the Librarian's face rose slowly into view like an 
early-morning coconut. 'Ook,' he said." Terry Pratchett.
Sarah Ashton
NetLinkS Research Associate and Information Officer
Dept of Information Studies, University of Sheffield
Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TN
S.J.Ashton at
Tel.(0114) 282 5095 ext.5095, Fax.(0114) 278 0300

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