Trademark symbol
Walt Howe
walthowe at
Wed May 8 18:08:28 EDT 1996
At 02:35 PM 05/08/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know what escape code (&XXX;) will display the superscript "TM"
>trademark symbol? We've checked numerous pages that include listings of
>"all" the character entities, but can only find the circle-r *registered*
>trademark, which is not what we're looking for.
The escape code you are looking for is &153;
It is not universal, however, and only certain browsers and operating
systems will display it as the superscript TM. You could also create the
superscript TM as <sup>TM</sup> but I fear it would have similar problems
that only certain browsers would support it. The superscript tags are from
the proposed 3.0 standard, and late versions of Netscape and Mosaic support it.
O-O- Walt Howe, Delphi Internet SIG Manager
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