IRC from Web sites
Lesley Williams
lwilliam at
Thu Mar 28 11:04:44 EST 1996
I'm a bit confused about Internet relay chat. We have 3 computers for
public use of the Internet in our public library which do not have telnet
capabilities. I was under the impression that without telnet, you
couldn't access IRC, but obviously I was wrong! Several Web sites offer
live chat on various topics, which was something we had wanted to discourage.
Is there any way to allow access to a Web site, but *disallow* live chat?
We're not concerned about Usenet postings, but only real time communications.
Any general background sources on IRC would also be appreciated.
Lesley Williams, Electronic Resources Specialist
Arlington Heights Memorial Library
Arlington Heights IL 60004
lwilliam at
847-506-2667 (phone)
847-392-0136 (fax)
Opinions and information given above are personal, and do not reflect
official library policy or statements.
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