"Editing" Netscape 2.0?

Thomas Dowling tdowling at ohiolink.ohiolink.edu
Thu Mar 14 15:44:22 EST 1996

Since this and related questions come up so frequently,
is it safe to assume this is even allowed?  The NS 2.0
license we all clicked "OK" on sez: "You may not...modify, 
translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble (except 
to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such 
restriction), or create derivative works based on the Software."

Are the kinds of kiosky changes people make specifically 
permitted by some applicable law?  Or are we just betting
that Netscape won't pick on us poor libraries?

Thomas Dowling

From: 	Walter Giesbrecht[SMTP:walterg at yorku.ca]
Sent: 	Thursday, March 14, 1996 12:51 PM
To: 	Multiple recipients of list
Subject: 	"Editing" Netscape 2.0?

Has anyone had any luck "editing" Netscape 2.0 (16-bit) for Windows? I 
was able to use the Borland Resource Editor to disable certain functions 
in version 1.22, but it won't let me do it for 2.0. I get an error 
message that reads something like "unknown file format!". Note: this 
message comes up only *after* I make the changes and attempt to save the 
edited version of the .exe file; I have no trouble loading it into the 
resource editor.

Walter W. Giesbrecht               walterg at yorku.ca    
York University Libraries 

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