Clickable images in HTML

Peter Konshak pkonshak.ccpl at
Thu Mar 7 13:28:08 EST 1996

On Thu, 7 Mar 1996, Brian Kelly wrote:

> The latest versions of Netscape (and other browsers) support
> client side image maps.  The image map data can be supplied as
> part of the HTML document:
> <MAP NAME="buttonbar">
> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS =0,0,100,100" HREF="top.html">
> ..
> </MAP>
> <IMG SRC="test.gif USEMAP=#buttonbar>
> No CGI script required - and it is a proporsed standard HTML 
> development, not a Netscapism

Thanks Brian, this is exactly what I was looking for.  I'm a little 
disturbed that in all my searching, I was unable to find this 
information.  That leads me to another question.  

Can anyone suggest a really up to date HTML guide which is either online or 
in print?  I know of a few other folks besides myself who could benefit from 
such a guide.  Most of the books are obsolete by the time they hit the 
shelves, and the online guides I have found are mostly dated as well.  


Peter Konshak                             Computer Technology Coordinator
pkonshak.ccpl at                    Carmel Clay Public Library

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