Outsourcing Advert

Sherry Davids sdavids at nal.usda.gov
Tue Mar 5 09:30:32 EST 1996

I would just like to add that I found the advertisement of interest.  Our
library, faced with limited resources (both human and financial), is
looking at different ways to code large numbers of documents.  It's
helpful to know about alternatives. 

Sherry Davids
National Agricultural Library
[My opinions are mine and not necessarily those of NAL]

On Tue, 5 Mar 1996 R124C41 at aol.com wrote:

> to the outsourcing advert, I would like to say that at least it did
> not misrepresent itself....what disturbs me more are postings that purport to
> be even handed discussions of technical issues leading to some conclusion
> which just "happens" to imply a for-profit single source procurement when
> they are in fact biased hypes for a product--either intentionally so or done
> just out of enthusiasm.
> --David Ritchie
> --R124C41 at AOL.COM

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