Web Authoring Tools

Karen Campbell kcampbel at seq.hamline.edu
Fri Jun 14 13:09:29 EDT 1996

On Fri, 14 Jun 1996, Shonna Froebel wrote:
> I have been asked to compile a "complete" list of web authoring tools.  
> Does anyone have any suggestions, or has anyone already done this?      

This week's PCWeek lists the following URL: I haven't looked at it 
closely, but it does have a list of html editors:

This site points to http://fly.hiwaay.net/~cwbol/macarc.html for Mac 
internet tools

A couple of other sites to try:

Karen Campbell	                           Bush Memorial Library
kcampbel at seq.hamline.edu	           Hamline University
(612)641-2482			           St. Paul, Minnesota
We are "web weavers and dancers at the dawn of the Meso-Electronic Period"
                                       ---Paul Evan Peters

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