Browser reading nonexistent code

Ismet Mazlumoglu mazlumog at
Wed Jun 5 11:22:01 EDT 1996

> > >
> > > Has anyone else had a problem with their browser insisting on reading a
> > > coding error that has long since been corrected?  Last week I typed an
> > > "a" instead of an "i" in </i> and the browser (Netscape) continues to
> > > show the </a> in the document source even though this was corrected four
> > > days ago.  A colleague here has run into the same problem before but we
> > > don't know what causes it or how it can be corrected.  This error shows
> > > up in more than one machine.
> > I noticed this problem with NetScape 3.0b4. I managed to view my
> > corrected HTML page by emptying the cache: even if I closed and reopened
> > NetScape, the problem was still there. Emptying the cache solved it.
> >
> THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM OR A BUG!!!!!!  It is simply the way a cache works.  Please excuse
> the shouting.  Clicking on reload may also show any changes you have made.  It is a very
> good idea to clear the cache on Netscape from time to time anyway.  I set up the
> autoexec.bat file on my PC to delete all the files in the netscape cache directory.  It
> does require me to respond with y for yes but that is okay.

RIGHT!. Please don't remember that WWW Server is also has a cache. So try
both clearing cache on Netscape and WWW Server.

 [ Ismet Mazlumoglu                  Internet: mazlumog at     ]
 [ Bogazici University Library       Bitnet  : mazlumoi at trboun.bitnet   ]
 [ Automation Section                Phone   : 212 - 263 15 40 ext.1530 ]
 [ B.U. Is Idaresi Bolumu                                               ]

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