Equations Editor...

Teasdale Guy teasdalg at ERE.UMontreal.CA
Tue Jan 23 10:19:00 EST 1996

> > Unfortunately, HTML is not as robust as SGML and cannot handle equations. 
> > This is due to a combination of special font display and character 
> > placement problems.
> I don't think this is correct.  HTML *is* SGML - or more correctly,
> HTML is an SGML DTD (Document Type Definition).  

Correct me if it's not correct but I think that we should say that HTML
became (or is becoming) an SGML DTD. That was not the case at it's
inception. That's why HTML contains so many "typographical" tags which
don't relate to the structure of the text but with the appearance of the
text on the screen.  And this is not the correct way of doing things in

> The DTD for HTML 1 and 2 did not include support for equations.
> The DTD for HTML 3 does support maths.  The problem is that not many 

I don't think the HTML 3 is official yet. Maybe it's because they're 
trying to make it more SGML compliant?

Guy Teasdale                  <http://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca/~teasdalg/>
gestionnaire du Gopher de l'EBSI 
                                            (teasdalg at ERE.UMontreal.ca)
Ecole de Bibliotheconomie et                (guy.teasdale at bibl.Ulaval.ca)
des Sciences de l'Information               (514) 354-5538
Universite de Montreal                      (418) 871-9562 (week-end)

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