job description

Daphne Gleadhill Daphne.Gleadhill at
Mon Jan 22 11:57:20 EST 1996

On Friday 19th Jan Geoff Brown wrote:

> I think a much overlooked role of a "web librarian" is to 
> provide one-on-one reference services. I have been developing a web page 
> for the Dalhousie University Libraries and a feature that I feel very 
> strongly about is a mail option where people can directly submit 
> a reference question to our reference staff.  This in my opinion is no 
> different than a reference question over the phone (a type of question 
> that we frequently are faced with).  It deserves just as much attention 
> and is just as valid!

Greetings, Web4Libbers.
I am currently working on a project to develop a WWW Electronic 
Reference Desk which will let users scan a database of questions that 
have been asked, and their answers, and then ask a question by e-mail 
if they don't find the answer.  The question will be mailed to the 
appropriate 'expert', usually a subject-specialist librarian.

It is hoped that this approach will save staff time by cutting out
FAQs, and we think that users will actually get a better answer this
way than by a phone (or in some cases even an in-person) enquiry, as
the 'expert' will be able to go away and check sources and make sure
they're giving a full and accurate answer.  So often when the user
is waiting on the phone or at the head of a queue, the temptation is
to give them a quick answer. 

We do have concerns though about how quickly questions will be 
answered.  Obviously subject specialists aren't checking their mail 
box every other minute, and they can be in meetings for hours,  And 
what if they're sick or on vacation?  The system could maybe copy 
all e-mail to an administrator who will 'know' when an expert isn't 
around and be able to re-direct it - but then the administrator will 
go off sick too......

I would agree with Thom that 24 hour turn-around is too long, 
although I fear it's the best we can guarantee.  With electronic 
methods, users tend to expect instant response.  The level of use of 
the system will probably affect how we resolve this - though the last 
thing we want is for people to not use the system because response 
time is too slow!

Daphne Gleadhill

Medical and Dental Library               tel.0191 222 7722
Medical School                           fax.0191 222 8102
University of Newcastle upon Tyne    
Newcastle upon Tyne       
NE2 4HH                   daphne.gleadhill at

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