Conference anouncement

Hans-Christoph Hobohm Hobohm at
Sun Jan 14 17:09:47 EST 1996

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             20th Annual Conference of the 

       German "Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation" 
       University of Freiburg, march, 6. - 8. 1996


You are kindly invited to attend the section on: 

            "Online Retrieval and Internet" 

The following lectures will be given:


** Semi plenary lecture:
   Thursday, march 7, 1996, 15.15
Edward Valauskas (with Bonnie Nardi, Vicki O'Day)
(IFLA Chair of Division on Special Libraries, Apple, Xerox):
"Rotwang's Children: Information Ecology and the Internet"


** Session:
   Thursday, march 7, 1996, 10.15 to 12.15

L. Weisel, B. Diekmann
(FIZ Karlsruhe, Universit?t Oldenburg):
"Bibliographic Databases. 
Some Statistics on the Acceptance by and Behaviour 
of Scientists and Students."

B. Diekmann, E.R. Hilf, H. Stammerjohanns, P. Boswell
(Universit?t Oldenburg, Europ. Physical Society):
"EuIMP - European Information Management in Physics."

Alexander Kaiser
(Wirtschaftsuniversit?t Wien):
"Intelligentes Information Retrieval im World Wide Web."

Heinrich C. Kuhn
"WebPublishing, Suchmaschinen und die Katalogisierung des WWW."


For more information please contact: 
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Hobohm
Fachhochschule Potsdam, 
Postfach 60 06 08, D-14406 Potsdam, 
Tel.: +49 (0) 331 2884-326 (fon),  -355 (fax), 
e-mail: Hobohm at

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