New List: WebCat-L (fwd)

Vivienne Cuff Vivienne.Cuff at
Sun Jan 28 16:59:08 EST 1996

> System developers need to hear from the library community (both librarians
> and their users) about what a WebCat should look like.  We need to hear
> from each other.  I've looked for a list server or news group dedicated to
> such discussion, and it appears that there is none. 

I support Jeff's comments.  In addition, I think that the library 
community and users would also benefit from vendors including in
their development teams user interface designers/graphic and
information designers who have experience in Web design .



Vivienne Cuff
World Wide Web
National Library of New Zealand
Molesworth Street (or PO Box 1467)
Phone: 4743086 Int'l prefix: 644
EMAIL: Vivienne.Cuff at
These are my views, and they do not 
necessarily reflect National Library
of New Zealand policy.

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