Interactive newspaper

John McKay j.mckay at
Wed Jan 10 05:28:24 EST 1996

Colleagues may want to explore the on-line
version of the British newspapers "The Times"
and "The Sunday Times". This service 
started on 1st January 1996.

These papers are available full text from 2.30am 
each day. As I understand it, the intention is also to
create a searchable archive of back issues.

It is also possible to "personalise" your interface 
to the papers. You can, for instance, store a list of 
keywords which will then be run automatically each 
time you access the paper. This could be useful for
specialist libraries - almost like your own clippings 

The URL is...

Let's hope other news services make information
retrieval this easy!

John McKay
Ravensbourne College of Design & Communication
Walden Road, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5SN, UK
phone  +44 (0)181-468 7071
fax  +44 (0)181-295 1070

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