scope of list

Gretchen McCord Hoffmann lib4t at Menudo.UH.EDU
Tue Feb 13 17:51:49 EST 1996

I've been off the list for a couple of weeks, so I hope this hasn't 
already been posted.

There ARE very important issues arising from the telecomm bill that ARE 
directly related to this list--like are any libraries preparing to shut 
down or drastically limit public access to the Web?  Is anyone getting 
pressure from administrations (institutional or library) or patrons to do 
so?  What kind of advice/reaction are you getting from your legal council?

     Gretchen McCord Hoffmann          I want to be thoroughly used up
Coordinator of Library Instruction     when I die...Life is no "brief 
 University of Houston Libraries       candle" to me.  It is a sort of
       gmhoffmann at               splendid torch which I have got
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    hold of for the moment, and I want
 All opinions and ideas expressed      to make it burn as brightly as
   above are products of my own        possible before handing it on to
    bizarre thought processes.         future generations.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%          --George Bernard Shaw

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