Promoting Library Use on Websites

monica green monica at
Wed Feb 28 00:03:36 EST 1996

This mailing list seems great at promoting WWW use in libraries. 
Do you have examples of websites & pages that promote library use?

I would be interested in collecting examples of these. 
Please send them to my address at
    monica at

If others are interested I would be willing to gather the information 
and post, or send the information via e-mail.

Feel free to pass this message on to your library's Public Relations 
department, if they are interested, I'll send copies of the final 
report to them (or via you to them.) Since I am in Australia, I am 
limiting the sending of the information from myself to those with
e-mail addresses, but will not mind if the information is passed
on to others via different methods.

Monica K. Green

Example found on URL

These remarks were at the end of a booklist for children.

--- Beginning of Example ---

Dr. Margaret Kimmel of the University of Pittsburgh School of Library Science
was a great help in recommending books. We thank her for sharing her wide 
knowledge of books and children. Dr.  Kimmel is co-author of the book, 
"For Reading Out Loud: A Guide to Sharing Books With Children."
Published by Delacorte Press, it is full of helpful hints for reading to
children and contains an extensive list of recommended books. 

Besides these suggestions, you might want to take advantage of your local
library and consider a field trip there. The best way to begin is by making 
a relationship with the librarian. You might even want to invite her to your 
center or child care home, so she can get to know your situation. 

Since the librarian has probably had experience with groups of children at the
library, she might be able to give you some ideas that can help smooth your 
visit there. She may also suggest times in her day that would be best for your 
field trip. 

Think about asking the librarian for books that might help a child who is going
through a new or difficult experience or when there's something specific you want 
to talk about with the children.  Librarians can be a handy resource for you, all 
through the year, and they like to be of help to the people in their communities, 
especially to people like you who work with children.

--- End of Example ---

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