Header info

Malgorzata Schaefer mschaefe at popserver.Stanford.EDU
Tue Feb 27 06:07:32 EST 1996

I'm relatively new also and have a related question pertaining to a small
business who wants to create an electronic library.  My job is to provide
what the header info should look like so that it will make it easy for
future upgrades to the data base implementation as well as provide faster
searches with the existing database engine by searching through the headers
instead of full text.  Does anyone know of a format for such a header?  Is
there a business oriented thesauri that could be used as subject headings?
Any and all info would be greatly appreciated (and in a hurry!)
Thank you.
Malgorzata Schaefer

>Hello!  I am new to this list, and may have missed previous discussions
>on this topic.  I am looking for information on digital libraries,
>specifically--is there any _public library_ out there in the process of
>digitizing all or part of its collection?  There are a lot of large
>institutions currently engaged in digital library projects, but I am
>trying to obtain information on small scale endeavours.  Any practical
>information/contacts/advice would be greatly appreciated.  Please mail
>any messages to the address below.
>Thank you in advance!
>Jennifer Gray
>School of Library & Information Studies
>Dalhousie University
>Halifax, Nova Scotia
>JLGRAY at is.dal.ca

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