url verification

Sean Dreilinger sean at kensho.com
Tue Dec 17 20:54:04 EST 1996

Greetings Elvio:

> Is there a program that will check the URLs that you have on your web
pages > that point to external sites and reports if they are no longer
active ?

If you like freeware, grok PERL, and run a UNIX server, checkout MOMSPider
from Roy Fielding, it is "A web robot for providing multi-owner maintenance
of distributed hypertext infostructures." URL:

If you like commercial software and use WIndows 95 or NT4.0, I can vouch
for the link checking in the 2.0b3 version of Microsoft FrontPage--I use it
to check some enormous meta-link pages regularly, and especially appreciate
that this can all happen unattended. You come back in an hour and FrontPage
hands you a "Todo List" which you can act on or delegate to the other folks
who help with the site. URL: <http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/>

HTH! --Sean :-)

                                          Sean Dreilinger, MLIS
        PGP Public Key - http://www.kensho.com/sean/pubring.htm
  sean at kensho.com - 619.514.3939 - http://www.kensho.com/~sean/
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