httpd-log in CERN server: newbie question

Miriam Bobkoff mbobkoff at
Mon Dec 16 17:10:48 EST 1996

We are running the CERN server on the City's new proxy server. The httpd-log
is getting very large. Following the directions in Lincoln Stein's book, I
sent a
command 'kill -HUP ###' where ### was the httpd-pid. 

The httpd-errors log says it has successfully restarted, and everything is
working. But it did not start a new httpd-log as I expected it to: it's
still adding to the old one. What have I missed?

I made a cp of the whole httpd-log file before I tried the kill command.
Shall I just edit the (still growing) for-reals file and delete the first
gazillion lines to eliminate all the old entries; then work with the copy to
experiment with log analysis?  


Miriam (gee, I hope I can't destroy this machine with a keystroke) Bobkoff

Miriam Bobkoff             mbobkoff at
Santa Fe Public Library
145 Washington Avenue           personal: mbobkoff at
Santa Fe, NM 87501    

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