Netscape 3.0 problem

Carol Briggs-Erickson cbriggs at
Sat Dec 14 18:00:05 EST 1996

> We have been experiencing a problem with Netscape 3.0 and have 
> reported it to Netscape but have not received a response.  It seems to 

  I heard recently that there is a Netscape 3.01 or 3.1 out.  This 
version is supposed to have fixed many of the problems that plague
Netscape 3.0 users.  The new version is not beta.  Has anyone used

Carol Briggs-Erickson                        cbriggs at
Electronic Reference Services Librarian            Office:  (616) 777-0416  
Muskegon Community College Library         Reference Desk:  (616) 777-0326
Muskegon, Michigan 49442                              Fax:  (616) 777-0279

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