"Document Contains No Data"

MacKenzie Smith macknz at elmer.harvard.edu
Mon Dec 9 10:15:31 EST 1996

This message is usually a symptom of bad network performance, either
on your end or at the web servers you're connecting to. It happens
when you get the http line from the server (Content-type:text/html)
but timeout before you get the actually html page.  Probably the
reason you continue to see the message is that your browser cached
it. If you clear all your cache in Netscape and try connecting again
it will most likely go through.  As for solving it altogether, I would
check out your routers, etc., to see if they're having a lot of serious 
errors. You may need to get some new hardware...

On Sat, 7 Dec 1996, Adele Krusz wrote:

> 	I've been having a lot of problems, lately, with
> accessing some sites.  I keep getting the message "Document
> Contains No Data."  I know the URL's are valid, because I can get
> them on other peoples' machines. 
> 	I'm using Netscape 3.01 Gold on a 486 DX with 20 mb of
> RAM, over a 14.4 modem, but also have the same problem on my
> ethernetted Pentium (also Netscape 3.01 Gold).  I've boosted my 
> memory and disk caches, and also tried downgrading to netscape 
> 2.0, with no luck.
> 	Any Suggestions?
> Adele Krusz		akrusz at d.umn.edu
> UMD Library		218/726-8104
> Duluth, MN  55812	fax 218/726-6205
MacKenzie Smith                                   mackenzie_smith at harvard.edu
Office for Information Systems                    (617)495-3724
Harvard University Library                        %\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%\%

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