mail function in netscape

Chuck Bearden cbearden at
Tue Dec 3 16:03:47 EST 1996

I don't know if you have already received useful responses 
to your question, but I will venture a brief one.  

You might check the listing of .EXE files in your Netscape 
directory to see if the mail and news clients have separate 
executables.  If so, you could use Fortres 101 to deny read 
access to them--they could then no longer be executed.  

Another thing you can do, if you are somewhat comfortable 
with PCs, is to use Borland Resource Workshop to edit the 
menus of Netscape, greying or disabling options you don't 
want people to have.  I believe you have access to the menus 
for the mail and news clients as well as for Netscape proper.  
By disabling all menus for the clients (but not for Netscape 
proper), you can prevent users from doing anything with 
the mail & news programs once they bring them up.  For in-
structions in how to do this, see:

Hope this helps,
Chuck Bearden			email: cbearden at
Catalog Department		voice: 713/247-3499
Houston Public Library		fax:   713/247-3158
500 McKinney Ave.
Houston, TX  77002		-=> NOT SPEAKING FOR HPL <=-
      -=>HPL's Homepage:<=-

--- On Thu, 14 Nov 1996 14:29:17 -0800  "Paula J. Barnett" 
<pbarnett at fox.way.PeachNet.EDU> wrote:

>I would like to find out if it is possible to disable the mail function 
>in Netscape 2.02 on public workstations. I searched the Web4lib archives 
>and didn't find an answer. Our library has public PCs with WFW 3.11 and 
>we have Fortres 101 running, so patrons only have access to Netscape, but 
>they still have mail (and news) access. 
>Paula Barnett
>Automation Services Librarian
>Waycross College Library
>pbarnett at

-----------------End of Original Message-----------------

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