Web forms question

John J. Burke U536A at wvnvm.wvnet.edu
Thu Dec 5 15:32:34 EST 1996


This may not be the right forum for this question (or the answer could be
quite simple), but here goes.  I have put together a set of lessons about
searching the Net on our homepage.  As a conclusion to the lessons, I also
put together an assignment which allows users to test their skills on a few
questions.  The questions on the assignment are each followed by a blank for
an answer.  Upon the submission of the completed answers, an e-mail is
generated which sends the assignment results to me.  I can then review them
and respond to the user.

Here's the problem:  as part of the assignment, I have opportunities for
users to link to Yahoo! (for instance), run a search there, and then use
their back command to return to the form to enter an answer.  When they
do this, however, they clear any answers or other entries already on the form.
As you may imagine, this renders the approach of this assignment less than usefu
l.  Interestingly, the form
only clears in a graphical browser (Netscape 2.0 or IE 2.1), while in Lynx
(VAX/VMS) or Charlotte (VM/CMS) the earlier responses remain.  Any ideas?

If you'd like to see the form to get a better idea, it's located at:

Thanks for your help!


John J. Burke, MSLS | Librarian | Instructor | Internet Trainer | Author
Ruth Ann Musick Library, Fairmont State College, Fairmont, WV  26554-2489
E-mail:  u536a at wvnvm.wvnet.edu | Homepage:  http://wvnvm.wvnet.edu/~u536a
Need a textbook for your Internet training?  How about PowerPoint slides
for a presentation?  See my homepage to order _Learning the Internet:  A
Workbook for Beginners_ (Neal-Schuman, 1996) and the accompanying slides.

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