Hiring Librarians

D. Dow dsdow at u.washington.edu
Mon Aug 26 18:52:59 EDT 1996

Greeting All,

I couldn't resist stepping forward to comment on the "cold shoulder"
reception "some" have apparently received from "library types". Like
Indiana University, the University of Washington's Library and Information
Science Program has been moving rapidly to equip Students with many of the
Web technology skills while maintaining the vital focus on information
organization and the basic skills of librarianship. Numerous courses are
being offered on HTML, the Internet, Java, Scripts etc.

As a student in this program, I took an internet course and have been working at the UW
Health Science Library assisting several librarians with the Library's
large informational and public access website, liaison pages etc. as well
as using these skills to help develop curriculum support websites for UW
Distance Learning Courses. And I am only one of many students intensely
involved in preparing themselves and their skills for a complex world.

Our program, along with numerous others such as Indiana University are
well aware of the changes and are eagerly working to equip librarians for
the new tasks that are coming our way. If you stop by sometime, I suspect
that a cold shoulder is the last reaction you'll get...

Daniel Dow			                   Focus on the Ideal
dsdow at u.washington.edu					while
						Maintaining the practical
(206) 522-2562

    Nothing was ever done by someone who thought it couldn't be done.

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