Adobe PHOTOSHOP (not Acrobat) - correction

Thomas Dowling tdowling at
Mon Aug 26 07:33:15 EDT 1996

> To those of you who made it through my last message... whoops.
> I don't know where my brain was.  I meant Adobe Photoshop, not
> Adobe Acrobat, as the program my library has a demo copy of,
> and for which I was interested in recommendations of a useful
> book/tutorial.

Not to counsel against PhotoShop, which is clearly considered Best of
Breed, but if you're in the Windows environment and haven't actually
purchased PhotoShop yet, you might want to look at the Micrografx ABC
graphics suite.  I have found it easier to pick up for my infrequent stints
as a web graphics creator.

Thomas Dowling                    \ tdowling at
Asst. Director, Client/Server Apps.\    614/728-3600 x326
OhioLINK                            \    FAX 614/728-3610

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