"Archiving" e-journals

Jim Hart jhart at h5.avcnet.org
Thu Apr 11 22:40:58 EDT 1996

On Thr, 11 Apr 1996 13:07:22 -0400, Bill Pardue wrote:
>...If we stick with 
>Webwhacker, it looks like we'll just point it at a web site at the 
>end of the day, let it go overnight and see what we've got in the 

Is it really necessary to duplicate/mirror an entire site this way?
Wouldn't it be better to just point to their stuff in some way?  How
about indexing their pages with a search engine?  Or, maybe one of the
existing search engines already indexes them?

Jim Hart <jhart at h5.avcnet.org>
   "Working together, we _can_ make a difference."

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