
Marc Davis davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
Mon Apr 15 08:25:30 EDT 1996

I've used PointCast on my home pc for about a week.  Pretty much
works as claimed and haven't had any problems with the beta on
the single site.  On the surface, am not sure what applications 
it would have in a library setting.  The "screen saver" feature
is rather nice and I suspect would have a lot of appeal to patrons.

On Sat, 13 Apr 1996, Rowan Brownlee wrote:

> Is anyone using or intending to use PointCast?  If you're using it,
> have you evaluated the quality and range of content provided?
> Pointcast is a free personally configurable fulltext online news
> service.   
> The focus is predominantly on the United States, though there is an
> international news category.  Areas include news, stock quotes, 
> companies, industry data, weather, sport and lifestyle.
> The info feeds are via Reuters, PR Newswire, AccuWeather and 
> SportsTickerr.  
> The client software is installed on the workstation and it periodically
> automatically contacts the server to update the stories.
> It can be set to operate as an informative screensaver.
> It can be incorporated into an intranet to broadcast corporate or
> institution specific news.
> PointCast 
> http://www.pointcast.com/
> Two recent articles
> PC Magazine, April 8, 1996
> Browser Central - The PointCast Network 
> http://www.pcmag.com/IU/bcentral/reviews/rv-point.htm
> PCWeek April 9, 1996 
> PointCast helps mold corporate intranets
> http://www.pcweek.com/news/0408/09epoint.html
> Rowan Brownlee
> CD-ROM Librarian
> General Reference Library
> State Library of New South Wales
> Macquarie St. Sydney NSW 2000
> Australia
> rowanb at ilanet.slnsw.gov.au

Marc W. Davis                             davis at revelation.unomaha.edu
Manager/Building Services                 402/554-3745
University Library                        fax 402/554-3215	
University of Nebraska at Omaha           Omaha, Nebraska  68182-0237		

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