Where is a Program Question??

Peter Kukla (aka Re-Pete) pkukla at coil.com
Mon Sep 25 09:25:07 EDT 1995

In a previous message, Christy Wrenn wrote:
>      I need a shareware program that I can download from the net that 
> does crossword puzzles.  I did search the net in the best games computer 

Check out: 
   Linkname: Puzzle Post: Software Shelves
        URL: http://iquest.com/~pinnacle/software.shtml

Having conveyed that information to you, I wonder if you could 
reciprocate by telling me exactly what this has to do with Web Sites and 
Libraries?  If you find yourself answering "Uhhh...nothing.", then 
perhaps you should ask yourself that question before posting to this group 

 /\_/\  |  Peter Kukla          -- http://www.coil.com/~pkukla --
( o.o ) |  pkukla at coil.com      ---------------------------------
 >   <  |  (Lizard Ho!!!)    <Insert most of the lyrics by Rush here>

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