Web search tools compared

Ian Winship, Univ Northumbria Info Services ian.winship at unn.ac.uk
Tue Oct 10 13:39:36 EDT 1995

(Aplogies for cross-posting)

I have just had published an article  World Wide Web searching tools - an
evaluation   in the UK library magazine VINE (99) 1995, 49-54.

The publishers have agreed to it being made available on the Web and it can be
found on the BUBL bulletin board at

There are inevitably some changes since it was written, but the approach and 
most of the content remains valid.

Ian Winship                             
Information Services Dept.              |    e-mail: ian.winship at unn.ac.uk
University of Northumbria at Newcastle  |    phone:  0191 227 4132
City Campus Library                     |    fax:    0191 227 4563
Newcastle upon Tyne                     |
NE1 8ST                                 |
UK                                      |

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