downloading to disk

William Oldfield wroldfie at
Mon Nov 20 09:10:34 EST 1995

We have PowerMacs running At Ease security software with many of the option
for Netscape and telnet removed.  All saving activity is automatically
directed to the floppy (no booting or running programs from the floppy).
The PowerMac handles PC or Mac formatted disks.  People can supply their
own or buy them from the copy shop nearby.  We also have access to
Simpletext, a simple editor, so they can view their files if they are not
too large.  They can also cut and paste from telnet sessions into fuiles on
their disks.  All public machines are on a separate subnet with access
control through the router.  We also use a Proxy server.

At 5:50 PM 11/18/95, ssmith at wrote:
>We allow patrons to choose: they can bring in their own disks or we will
>sell them a formatted disk for $1. We are running Norton Antivirus on
>our workstations and have not had any problems at all.
>Susan Smith
>Virtual Library Supervisor
>Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County
>Charlotte, NC
>ssmith at

William Oldfield (Networked Information Research Associate)
University of Waterloo Library            Phone: (519) 888-4567 Ext. 2461
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1         Email: wroldfie at

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