URLs for OPACs

Michael Sauers ms0669 at mail.albany.net
Wed Nov 15 05:34:08 EST 1995

> Does anyone know of a web resource that has URLs to OPACs of U.S. and 
> foreign libraries.

Check out the WWW Library Directory at the URL listed below.  
The list contains URLs for hundredes of Libraries all over the 
sorld sorted by country (and US state), with new ones being 
added constantly.

Michael Sauers		  			    Phone: (702) 247-6244
PC/Internet Consultant			        E-Mail: ms0669 at albany.net
CR Associates Internet Consulting			    IRC: CyberRat
Las Vegas, Nevada		  WWW: http://www.albany.net/~ms0669/cra/

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