Telnet access via WWW

Albert Lunde Albert-Lunde at
Fri Nov 3 10:31:45 EST 1995

> I asked the same question in some other groups. Haven't heard anything
> back yet.  So I began to test it myself, with no success.  I'ved tried
> the following. Don't laugh. :-)
> application/telnet
> application/terminal
> telnet/terminal
> terminal/telnet

The reason _this_ approach to fixing the problem is doomed to fail
that "telnet" is not a MIME type but rather a URL scheme,
(telnet:// is like http://). So a telnet helper application
is a different kind of thing in the WWW scheme
of things than a gif viewer (though this may not be the case in
another context like the gopher0 protocol ;)

As an aside, those of you who need to guess MIME types frequently should
take a look at the standards... like RFC 1521... the first
part of a MIME type can take only a few values like:


Trying to make up "extensions" to the first part of the MIME type
is a lot less likely to make sense than playing around with the
second part.

    Albert Lunde                      Albert-Lunde at

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