info on book donation

Harry Kyynarpuu hkyyn at
Sun Dec 3 07:22:24 EST 1995

Dear librarians, reading this message,
first of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Harry Kyynarpuu and 
I am the president of the Estonian Family Therapy Union. Family therapy 
is now making big steps in Estonia and there are lots of interested peple 
among helping professions. But the development of the knowledge is 
seriously hampered by the lack of literature. The Union posesses only a 
small number of literature on the basis of which we can further the 
knowlwdge of the interested people.
On the other hand I know that all the libraries clean their shelves from 
time to time and throw out surplus copies or books they consider out of 
date or too seldom used. In case your library policy also followes this 
line could you please collect the books your library does not think worth 
keeping any longer and in case they deal with FAMILY THERAPY, FAMILY 
or journal volumes or even issues and donate them to the ESTONIAN FAMILY 
THERAPY UNION. Well, I do not know if this is a regular procedure but we 
are not in the regular situations and we have to use irregular 
procedures. I can tell you that neither the Union nor the individual 
members are wealthy enough to buy or order the necessary literature. This 
above is a request that certainly cannot and is not intended to oblige 
anybody to even consider it. But in case you read the message and take 
the trouble to consider it and you have additional questions or comments 
on the request please contact with me through email. And in case, what I 
really hope, you find the possibility to send the discarded literature to 
us our postal address is: Estonian Family Therapy Union
                          Tallinn Psychiatric Hospital
                          Paldiski mnt 52
                          EE0006 Tallinn, Estonia
With best regards,
Harry Kyynarpuu, hkyyn at

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