Webwhacker help needed

Bobbie McDonnell-Phillips Academy-Ref. Librarian bmcdonn at IDEA.uml.edu
Mon Dec 18 14:43:20 EST 1995

There was a recent discussion of using Webwhacker
to make a  training presentation, rather than going live on 
the net.  I didn't get the name of the person who
sent some excellent instructions, and I'd appreciate
hearing from her/him or anyone else who's solved the
problem of presenting Netscape on a pc.

I originally thought I could do a Mac Screensnapshot and
import that into the pc or use a moz file, but no luck
converting.  We can get the text, but no graphics.  
Does anyone know about a PC screen snapshot option??

We're trying to make this as simple as possible, but the 
classroom has a pc rather than a Mac.:-)

Thanks for your help!  You'll make my holidays a lot happier.

Bobbie McDonnell
Phillips Academy
bmcdonn at idea.uml.edu
mcdonnel at tiac.net



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