finding info on the Web (fwd)

Sally Fagan - Davenport College, Holland fagans at
Wed Dec 6 14:30:14 EST 1995

On Wed, 6 Dec 1995, Bill Crosbie wrote:

> But that is exactly my point... Is anyone using the Web to teach people that
> there are _other_ places to find information.  If you note my inital
> statement does not say anything about finding that information on the web. :-)  
Ah! okay.   An interesting question. One issue involved is the fact the 
web, unlike libraries, is not site-specific. For example, an URL is the 
same anywhere but a call number (assuming the form of the recommended 
info. has one) and physical location (ex. reference or circulating 
stacks) may vary, requiring the customer to use more than one source of 
information (ex. web browser to CD-ROM or opac). No one-stop-information 
But of course, non-internet information *should* be listed on the 'net as 
an option.

-----Steve Cramer
DAvenport College of Business
Holland, MI
fagans at

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