Invitation to participate in survey on Discovery Products

Marshall Breeding marshall.breeding at LIBRARYTECHNOLOGY.ORG
Mon Aug 26 22:42:07 EDT 2013

To Web4Lib readers,

Please participate in a survey on discovery products conducted through Library Technology Guides. Discovery products aim to provide enhanced access to the different dimensions of a library's collections, usually spanning print, digital, and electronic resources. These discovery products supplement or replace the online catalog module of an integrated library system.

The survey aims to collect data from libraries that use any of the major discovery products, including ratings of overall satisfaction, its effectiveness for different audiences, such as undergraduate students, graduate students or faculty served by an academic library or the general public served by public libraries. The survey also aims to measure how comprehensively the discovery product addresses the library's collection, how effectively it calculates relevancy, and whether or not it conveys results objectively or with a bias toward specific types or sources of content.

For more information on the survey and instructions on how to participate:

Thanks in advance for your participation.


Marshall Breeding
marshall.breeding at<mailto:marshall.breeding at>


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