[Web4lib] Last call for participation in Survey on Retrodig of Theses and Dissertations

Gail Clement gclement at library.tamu.edu
Mon Mar 28 15:42:33 EDT 2011

Dear ETD and Digital Library professionals,

Thanks to the many colleagues who have shared their insights on the reasons, benefits and unexpected challenges of retrospectively digitizing  legacy theses and dissertations (RTD's).  It is hoped that some preliminary data will be presented at the upcoming USETDA conference in May 2011.

This final invitation is to encourage your participation in this research project, if you have not already done so. Approximately 200 US institutions are identified as either engaging in, or considering, RTD programs. The nature of these efforts ranges from full resolution scanning of all dissertations and theses that pre-date ETD programs, to one-time projects to digitize microfilmed dissertations available through ProQuest. Data from any type or scale of RTD project in the U.S. is most valuable and welcome.

If you are willing to participate in this 10-question survey, please click on the link below or paste it into your web browser.  Your responses will be kept strictly confidential, and any reports from the research will not identify institutions or individuals.


The survey will remain open through March 31, 2011.  Also feel free to forward this message to another colleague at your institution who may have relevant insights to contribute to this research.

Thank you once again for your consideration.

Most appreciatively,


Gail P. Clement
Outreach Librarian and Associate Professor
Digital Services & Scholarly Communication
University Libraries
Texas A&M University
gclement at tamu.edu

5000 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843-5000 |
Tel. 979.862.1635 | Fax. 979.845.6238

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