[Web4lib] 100,000 titles less in Kindle store?

Anders Ericson anders.ericson at norskbibliotekforening.no
Sun Jan 30 10:10:11 EST 2011

Thanks, that was very useful. And your link, Robert, also presents 1,8
million "free classics and out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books, as well
as limited-time free promotional ebooks available for Kindle".  It
says "free", but when I search that particular base for Ibsen Ghosts,
even that will cost $2. Is this the same in the US?


2011/1/29 Robert Balliot <rballiot at gmail.com>:
> It is over 810,000 in the US - follow this link for availability by country:
> http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Wireless-Reader-Wifi-Graphite/dp/B002Y27P3M/ref=amb_link_355171642_3/
> Norway is about 560,000
> R. Balliot
> http://oceanstatelibrarian.com
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Anders Ericson
> <anders.ericson at norskbibliotekforening.no> wrote:
>> The Amazon Kindle article of Wikipedia states that the store offered
>> "more than 650,000 books" in June 2010
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Kindle#Overview
>> Today an open search (no search term) gives 562,549 hits
>> Who can explain the difference?
>> Publishers withdraw from the business?
>> Sudden transfers to the new Google store?
>> --
>> Hilsen
>> Anders Ericson
>> Nett-red. Norsk Bibliotekforening
>> http://www.norskbibliotekforening.no
>> +4797775170
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Anders Ericson
Nett-red. Norsk Bibliotekforening

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