[Web4lib] Online Session - National Broadband Plan

Christine Peterson peterson at amigos.org
Mon May 17 16:21:48 EDT 2010

The Federal Communications Commission, directed by the Congress, created
the National Broadband Plan (http://www.broadband.gov/plan/), a document
that outlines a proposal for providing affordable broadband access for
each American citizen. Within this 376-page document, there are glimpses
of where libraries fit in and where libraries could fit in. In an hour,
Amigos' Christine Peterson will give you a tour of the document,
highlighting the opportunities libraries could have if they are aware of


[Part of the Know & Go series Amigos will be starting in July -


Tuesday, May 25, 2010
1:00pm - 2:00pm central time


Amigos members - free

Non-members -- $40


Registration - http://bit.ly/aoKhmn




Christine Peterson

Continuing Education Librarian, Technology

Amigos Library Services, Inc.

14400 Midway Road

Dallas, TX  75244-3509

800-843-8482 x2891 * 972-991-6061 (fax)

www.amigos.org <http://www.amigos.org/>  * peterson at amigos.org
<mailto:peterson at amigos.org> 


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