[Web4lib] Chicagoland Librarians come hear Eli Neiburger

Mikael Jacobsen MJacobsen at skokielibrary.info
Sun Sep 6 17:22:43 EDT 2009

Apologies for cross posting:
Come hear Eli Neiburger of the Ann Arbor District Library speak at the
North Suburban Library System for free!  
"Public Service is the cornerstone of the Library; yet increasingly, it
is our Products that define us as institutions.  It can be challenging
for a service organization to transition to product development; new
skills, processes, quality standards, and political approaches are
required. At Ann Arbor District Library, production has become a big
part of what Librarians and IT staff are responsible for, from taking a
product-oriented approach to software development, digitization, and
content projects, to the changing role of librarians and catalogers as
more and more library business is transacted solely online.  How can
libraries build these capacities, and what are some of the
possibilities, and how can you make it happen at your library with or
without help from IT!"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009 (9:30-12:00) 
Sign up at https://www.librarylearning.info/events/?eventID=6806
Mikael "Mick" Jacobsen
Adult Services Librarian
Skokie Public Library, IL
http://www.skokielibrary.info <http://www.skokielibrary.info/> 

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