[Web4lib] Request from Academic Libraries about Charging for Printing

Lorraine Martorana lmartorana at cecil.edu
Tue May 19 14:37:33 EDT 2009

Greetings from Cecil College's Cecil County Veterans Memorial Library,


I am seeking feedback from locations currently charging for printing in
their library.


What system/software do you use?


How do you manage or control it at your location, installed software
linked to student ID number, use cash, coin, debit card?


Are students limited to a quantity per semester, or per day?


What do you charge per page?  How was the cost determined?


Why it is a good idea, or why it is not a recommended course of action?


Any and all information that you are willing to share with me is greatly
appreciated.  In advance, thank you for your response.


Lorraine Martorana

Director of Library Services

Cecil County Veterans Memorial Library

Cecil College

One Seahawk Dr

North East, MD 21901

lmartorana at cecil.edu


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