[Web4lib] Looking for resources to teach Technologies for Libraries and Information Centers (specially ILS)

Luz M Quiroga lquiroga at hawaii.edu
Wed Aug 12 10:55:27 EDT 2009

Dear list members

I am trying to find a link to resources useful for teaching IT in
libraries and Information Centers. The old term for that kind of courses
was Library Automation. Of special interest are resources (e.g.
instructors, syllabi, textbooks, blogs, discussion lists) for courses that
cover Integrated Library Systems - ILS)

If there is no such a link I will compile your answers for those

Thanks in advance!

Luz M Quiroga

"El exceso de informacion ya es obra de deformacion": Facundo Cabral
"Cuando yo tenia listas las respuestas, me cambiaron las preguntas."
Graffitti en Quito citado por Benedetti (1992)
Luz M. Quiroga                             Information & Computer Sciences
Assistant Professor                        Library and Information Science
mailto: lquiroga at hawaii.edu                University of Hawai'i at Manoa
(808) 956-9988                             1680 East West Road, POST 314B
(808) 956-3548 fax                         Honolulu, HI 96822

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