[Web4lib] RE: Blockquote, italics and IE6

Jonathan Bloy JBloy at edgewood.edu
Thu Mar 27 16:17:59 EDT 2008

Robert VanderHart wrote:
> I'm developing a website that uses several "pull quotes" in the body of
> the text.  I'm using the blockquote element and a stylesheet to set
> apart longer quotes and make the font style italic.  Unfortunately,
> IE6's rendering of the pages with blockquotes[1] is broken, causing the
> center div containing the text to shift down the page to just below the
> longer sidebar.  The strangest thing about this buggy rendering is that
> if I click the "Restore Down" button and then slowly drag the right edge
> of the window to the right, the center div will jump back to its proper
> position at one point then jump back down as I keep expanding the
> window
> http://library.umassmed.edu/~rvanderh/newsite3/omha/fmch/specialty3.cfm

Have you tried adding margin and/or padding declarations for the <blockquote> in your css?

I'm guessing IE6's default padding/margin values for blockquote are making that center div wider than other browsers, pushing it below the boundaries of the right sidebar.

It's weird it only happens when the font-style is italic...  Does italic text use more real estate than non-italic text?

The problem might also be related to the fact that your interior #main div has a width of 100% but the exterior #wrapper div has a right and left margin of 4px.  I believe that's why the horizontal scroll bar shows up, and why that center div jumps up and down as you expand the window.  Maybe setting the width for #main to something less than 100% might help?

Jonathan Bloy
Web Services Librarian
Edgewood College
Madison, Wisconsin

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